From Good To Better. Is The Best Yet To Come?

From Good To Better. Is The Best Yet To Come?

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 (PPPFA) Over the last two weeks major developments have occurred with the signing of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA) and this week’s release of the updated loan forgiveness application(s). The revised loan forgiveness applications hope to provide a more efficient process to make it easier for […]

ESOP Fables: Exploring the Myths and Facts about Employee Stock Ownership Plans

ESOP Fables: Exploring the Myths and Facts about Employee Stock Ownership Plans

An Employee Stock Ownership Plan, also known as an ESOP, is an employee benefit plan that offers advantages to business owners, their companies, and their employees. It is a tax qualified, defined contribution plan where employees own shares in the company (or in the parent company of a group of companies), and is unique among qualified […]