Samantha Thomas is a manager in the firm’s assurance services department. She has more than eight years of auditing and consulting experience, concentrated primarily in federal and state single audits of large nonprofit and governmental organizations. Samantha’s experience includes handling complex accounting and auditing issues of local governments, assisting clients with the implementation of recently adopted GASB pronouncements, auditing federal and state major programs in accordance with applicable single audit guidelines and assisting local governments with the preparation of financial statements.

Samantha also takes an active role in analyzing and developing implementation plans for new GASB standards for the firm and is also active in leading training seminars on governmental topics.

Samantha has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Central Connecticut State University and a Master’s Degree from New England College.

Accreditation, Designation and Professional & Civic Activities

Samantha is an associate member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants (CTCPA).



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